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List charter

> Ditto!  Seriously, (and this is an honest question, not a flame!) without the heated 
> debate regarding the devious cookie, would this list be about discussion of web 
> server security issues?  That's what I was thinking when I joined...

I don't believe there's an up-to-date charter for this list. It used to
be the place to discuss SHTTP as a standard, but now there's a separate 
email list for the WTS IETF WG (Web Transaction Security Internet Engineering
Task Force Working Group). I've treated this list as a place to discuss
WWW security, which means client side as well as server side (for instance,
Java security discussions seem to be accepted pretty well, but Java is
clearly a larger threat on the client side). While it can be argued that
privacy is not the same as security, they have a lot of overlap (is the
protection of my private information from a buggy Java applet a privacy
issue or a security issue?). 

As I'm sure you've seen before, it's hard and counterproductive to try to
enforce a narrow charter (particularly when it's not even written down :-).
I suggest use of the delete key and it's friends (all these mail messages
did have "cookie" in the title) for the threads you're not interested in.
Or you can always try to find the charter and update it!
